My name is Tucker,
I'm a video producer from Salt Lake City.
I got my start in video production at age 7,
shortly after discovering Windows Movie Maker.
I've since scaled my operation,
studying and creating videos,
and curating an amazing team of people
driven to create work that exceeds expectation.
We pride ourselves on our ability to:
+ demystify complex solutions in a simple way
(e.g., AWS data security migration)
+ create work that is clean, clear, and quality
+ drive tangible results for our clients.
Thank you for your interest in working with us.
My name is Tucker,
I'm a video producer from Salt Lake City Utah.
I got my start in video production at age 7,
shortly after discovering Windows Movie Maker on the family computer.
I've since scaled my operation but the love is all the same.
Thank you for your interest in Baragon, let's make some videos ♡(>ᴗ•)